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Scale Length and Human Anatomy
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Author:  Jimmyjames [ Fri May 08, 2015 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Scale Length and Human Anatomy

Considering the variances in the size, reach, and flexibility of fretting hands how does one correctly size scale length to a player's individual anatomy?

Is there a formula for calculating the ideal scale length in this regard?

What about fingerboard width?



Author:  Barry Daniels [ Fri May 08, 2015 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scale Length and Human Anatomy

Is there a formula for scale length? Nope. Scale length is unrelated to the size of a human.

Regarding the other dimensions of the neck, just have your client find a neck that they like and copy it.

Author:  Rodger Knox [ Fri May 08, 2015 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scale Length and Human Anatomy

I think playing style has more influence than anatomy (hand/finger size, flexibility, and strength, and to a lesser degree, overall physical size).
It's pretty obvious that bigger hands would like longer scale lengths. It's also not generally true.
The difference in fret spacing between a long scale (25.5") and short scale (24.5") is pretty insignificant, many players won't even notice.
Of course, there will be some with small hands where that insignificant difference is important, but I don't think that scale length is something that you can "dial in" based on physical attributes.

Author:  dzsmith [ Fri May 08, 2015 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Scale Length and Human Anatomy

Big guy plays a jumbo.
Little guy plays a uke.
Middle sized guy plays either.
A hillbilly plays the banjo.
And I just like to toot my horn for no reason at all.

Author:  Toonces [ Fri May 08, 2015 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scale Length and Human Anatomy

Hi Jimmy,
Stick between 25 to 25.5" scale length -- it is the standard for a reason. Those reasons include:

1) Tonal qualities -- nicely balanced tone with potential for sweet trebles and fat bass.
2) Ergonomic -- the average player can handle the stretches needed to play most chord formations.

Same thing with nut width -- there is a standard just because that is what most steel string players find most comfortable. Go with 1 3/4" for default. A lot of fingerstyle players like slightly larger -- 1 25/32" or 1 13/16". 2.25" is a good standard for string spacing at saddle. As far as sizing the fretboard, just trust this advice as it will yield a very playable fretboard. Make the fretboard width at the 12th fret the same width as the string spacing at the saddle. Many fretboards (including those from well established factory brands) are sized poorly. This will give you a nice size fretboard to allow for string bends without the string falling off the fretboard. Also, only bevel the frets slightly -- there is not need for a steep bevel and that will give your strings more fretboard room.

Best Regards,
Driver Extraordinaire

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